Major Gulf region country
→ A large volume of fraud was carried out via WhatsApp accounts linked to expired or non-existent subscribers
→ To combat this, communication providers were mandated to deactivate WhatsApp accounts immediately after a SIM card became inactive
→ IM Antifraud solution has been deployed in all CSPs, centralized reporting was provided to the regulator
Achieved Results:
Fraud cases originating from national numbers were dramatically reduced
Major CIS country
→ Large volumes of banking fraud was conducted using spoofed national numbers
→ To address this, a National CLI Verification Systemwas implemented to verify 100% of calls in real-time.
Over 1,500 communication providers were connected to the system, enabling the verification of more than 100,000 calls per second
Achieved Results:
Fraud cases involving spoofing were reduced from 30% to less than 2%. Spoofing from national numbers was almost eliminated
Our Solutions
Our Solutions Used By
Verum Tech brings together a team of highly skilled professionals with extensive expertise in fraud prevention, telecom security, and AI-driven analytics. Our experts come from diverse backgrounds, combining technical excellence, strategic leadership, and regulatory insights to deliver national-level and top-tier solutions.
With a deep understanding of the telecom and financial sectors, our specialists work closely with regulators, banks, and industry leaders to enhance security frameworks and prevent cyber threats. Through innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to excellence, our team drives the mission of making digital transactions and communications more secure.